
  • Strategy and Positioning
  • Competitive Environment Analysis
  • Consumer Analysis
  • Market and External Environment Analysis
  • Naming and Copywriting
  • Brainstorming
  • Prototyping

Strategy and Positioning

Brand positioning is what impression your brand makes. Mentioning the brand should evoke the right and necessary associations in consumers. With positioning, you show the main qualities, advantages, properties of the product, and its uniqueness. It is important to identify and show who your product or service is meant for. Positioning is the foundation of your business, and it is essential to pay proper attention here.

The first step in positioning is the choice of an appropriate strategy. The competitiveness of your brand and the number of loyal customers depends on it. It is very difficult to build the right strategy, gain the consumers’ trust, and position your product the way it is without the help of professionals.

Competitive Environment Analysis

Competitive environment analysis is a very important part of marketing in your business. In almost any entrepreneurial activity, there are many competitors. The only exception is innovative and unique products. But sooner or later, you have to expect competition and be prepared for it.

There are situations when you have been in the market for a long time, you have good service, reasonable prices, but the results still do not meet expectations. This situation shows that there are competitors who have more favorable conditions for customers. They are more attractive and differ from the rest.

In order to attract the attention of new customers and bring back the previous ones, you need to analyze the work of your competitors, identify what attracts their customers, and then offer your unique advantage that will make your business valuable and special. It is also important to avoid competitors’ mistakes and plan the marketing side of the business wisely. That is why it is necessary to analyze the competitive environment. We recommend entrusting this task to professionals.

Consumer Analysis

Consumer behavior analysis is necessary to understand your target audience, their needs, lifestyle, and reasoning. Many factors influence the buying process. After all, the need to purchase a product/service occurs much earlier than the final choice. It is necessary to find out how the customer acts in the buying process and what influences their choice.

Customer analysis allows you to build or change your marketing strategy in terms of advertising policy, promotion channels, pricing, and product quality improvement.

Order a consumer analysis for your business if you want to increase sales, understand what motivates customers to buy your product/service, and identify the obstacles that prevent you from selling more goods.

Market and External Environment Analysis

Market and External Environment Analysis is advanced market research for your business. It is necessary to build the right strategy for the development of the company. The analysis also gives an understanding of possible business prospects.

Marketing strategy can be developed based on results of market and external environment analysis. The analysis will allow making the following predictions in the future:

  • How quickly will the investment pay off?
  • What place in the market can take the business?
  • What pricing policy is required?
  • How should the company act so that it doesn’t stand still and grow fast?

Any mistake in the analysis process can have a negative impact on the finances and future development of the company, so the analysis should be carried out by experienced specialists.

Naming and Copywriting

Every brand must have a name. The name of the company or product should be easy to remember and evoke certain associations in the consumer. Naming is a very important process in the launch of a product. It affects further promotion from the definition of the target audience to the development of the visual concept. There is an expression: “As You Name the Boat, So Shall it Float” Therefore, the brand must have a unique, memorable, and attractive name.

Copywriting – it is not just a text, which has some meaning, but an art. The text should be presented to encourage the consumer to use your service or buy the product. The text must be literate, simple, concise, and, most importantly, interesting. Without a good text, there will be no good promotion.


Very often, new and brilliant ideas are born during brainstorming. This process allows you to move away from standard, hackneyed marketing solutions to creative and fresh ideas that most often work. The point of brainstorming is to generate ideas in an informal setting, where there is complete freedom for the flight of ideas. So if you want to use out-of-the-box solutions to promote your product, brainstorming is a great choice.


A prototype is a sketch of what a website will look like. When prototyping, you need to think about the main blocks: the home screen, intermediate screens, the basement, and the lead capture forms. The blocks in the prototype should be placed so that the user can navigate the site well.

Why do you need a prototype at all? It’s not a good idea to start a design without one, especially in large sites that contain many elements. A prototype allows you to make changes to the layout quickly and without a lot of work. Only when the prototype is developed and carefully thought through you can begin the process of designing the site. That’s why it’s important to think everything through from the beginning, so there’s no need to refine the interface after launching the product. It’s not only time wasted, but also money.

  • Branding
  • Advertising Campaigns
  • Website Development
  • Mobile Apps
  • Social Networking Design
  • Interior Design
  • Outdoor Advertising Design
  • 3D Design


Branding is not only the development of a logo, first of all, but it is also the creator of the image of the company, the way the consumer sees and perceives your brand. Branding is aimed at the recognizability of the product, which should also differ from competitors and be attractive.

Branding includes a whole complex of marketing activities to create and develop an image. It creates a unique corporate identity, increases the value of the product, and creates consumer confidence in the company.

Examples that are known all over the world are McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Ikea, Google. Consumers know these names, what products the companies offer in the marketplace, and why they have gained such popularity and brand confidence. It all depends on how businesses position themselves in the market and what emotions consumers evoke.

Advertising Campaigns

Advertising campaigns are activities that are carried out to attract the attention of a large number of people to a product. The main goal of an advertising campaign is sales growth and getting information about the brand to the consumer.

An advertising campaign helps to:

  • create an image of the company
  • enlarge the client base
  • build communication with the consumer
  • increase brand recognition
  • Increase sales by raising interest in the product.

It is important to understand that you can’t build and launch an advertising campaign in 5 minutes. Its realization requires a lot of resources and investments. In order not to waste time and money, you should entrust the task to professionals.

Website Development

Almost every company must have a website, which has a lot of advantages:

  • A site is a powerful tool for creating the image of the organization. All the information on the site forms the consumer’s opinion about the company. Also, the site will help your business to stand out among competitors and claim your benefits.
  • The site is a great way to get information to the consumer. If there is an excellent design, copywriting, and layout, the site can interest and keep the consumer and ultimately sell your product/service.
  • A website opens up great opportunities to attract a target audience through the use of internet marketing tools: Contextual advertising, Email marketing campaigns, SEO promotion, etc.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are one of the most powerful tools for reaching your target audience. Almost everyone has a smartphone, and it is worth focusing on mobile technology.

Mobile apps load faster and react to user actions. They convert and sell better than mobile websites because they are more convenient. Also, many users shop on the go, and an app allows them to purchase in a couple of clicks.

The app is always at hand, and the user can always find the right icon on their smartphone if they need your product again. It is many times more convenient than searching for a site in a browser.

Push notifications are also important. They stimulate the user to make purchases. It is an effective and less expensive way to notify consumers about promotions and discounts.

Social Networking Design

Social networks are no longer just a place for communication and dating. It is a definite resource that helps to attract customers and create a positive image of the company. With the help of social networks, the company gets a reputation, talks about the product, advertises it.

For a good result, your company’s social media profile must be user-friendly and attractive looking. It often happens that a poorly designed profile can become an obstacle between the company and the customer.  Without a clear vision of a brand, a client gets discouraged from buying. We can help make your profile in a unified style, visually eye-catching, and easy to find the necessary information for the client. We design all social networks: Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Interior Design

The place where your business clients come has to be decorated wisely, beautifully, with style and taste. The interior must be special so that the client can feel interested and comfortable in your space. It will help to keep him and cause a desire to return again and again. 

Unfortunately, without an interior designer to do a high-quality and well-thought-out design to all the details is almost impossible. Entrust the case to professionals, it will save your time, nerves, and money, and the result will delight you.

Would you agree that the interior evokes the first impression about the company? It is important to make a positive impression. It will help to gain a good reputation and form the image of the company.

Outdoor Advertising Design

Outdoor advertising can attract the attention of thousands of people in the city. We can find ads everywhere: on busy streets, on the roofs of business centers and shopping malls, at the bus stop, in the subway. We can pass by the same ad twice a day without paying much attention. But the marketing tool still works. Advertising information is remembered subconsciously.

Properly developed design can affect the perception of consumers. If you want to invest in outdoor advertising, leave it to the professionals, and you will see you’ve spent money efficiently. With us, you can order posters, billboards, banners, and signs designs of all sizes.

3D Design

3D design is the process of forming virtual models that allow you to demonstrate the shape, appearance, and other characteristics of an object as realistically as possible. 3D objects can be viewed from different angles on a monitor or smartphone screen.


We do architectural visualization, object and interior visualization. 3D graphics will make your project memorable, modern and help to differ from your competitors.

  • Front-end
  • Back-end
  • Mobile


Front-end development is that part of the software code that makes the site design clickable. In other words, this is what we see and interact with when we open a page on any site. The front-end portion is built by using such languages as HTML, CSS, JavaScript. 

In the studio Deford, we take a responsible approach to front-end development. The designer controls the programmer’s work so that the agreed design layout of the site coincides with the result of front-end development. In the end, you get an easy to use, animated, and stylish website.


Back-end is the server-side of the website. It stores and arranges data, and also makes sure everything on the client-side of the website works fine. It is the part of the website that you cannot see and interact with.

A back-end specialist works out the internal processes and servers. His task is not only thinking through the program logic but also developing databases and website architecture. 

Back-end development can only be done by professionals with specific knowledge and experience because this process is complex. You contact Deford studio, and we will realize your task and fill your site with the necessary tools.


Have you decided to develop your own mobile app? Then you should connect the developers who will qualitatively implement the thought-out and multiple-tested application design.

We recommend working with a professional team that has the necessary knowledge and experience in this industry. We will help you with mobile development from idea to result. The team of UI/UX designers and developers can implement for you a well-thought-out and high-quality mobile app that will match all the design trends and your requirements.

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